Visiting Yellowstone in the winter season, is unlike anything I've ever experienced. After visiting in the summer months, its as if it's an entirely different place, a whole new Yellowstone. Though, the leaves have died, the flowers are now sleeping under a blanket of snow, and the lively activity of people exploring the park has completely disappeared, Yellowstone is truly more vibrant and in its glory during the winter months. When millions of people come to visit Yellowstone in the peak of summer, it feels like a constricting place. 2.2 million acres and still not enough space for Yellowstone to stretch it's arms out, and for people to explore. It's suffocating, but when winter comes, it's as if it can breathe again.
During this time of year, the park is quiet, peaceful, and absolutely breathtaking. It's as if time has frozen, and you're able to take in every moment without the line of cars honking at you, or the crowds of tourists shoving you along. You can take your time, and breathe it all in. Words never suffice when describing Yellowstone. Below are some of my favorite images from my last visit. I hope you have a nice, warm cup of something yummy while scrolling through, and are transported into a few moments of peace. I would love to know your thoughts, and even some of your favorite memories in Yellowstone. Just drop them in the comments section below! xo, The Wildflower