I met Cassidy when she came into the store I work at back in October. I overheard her and her friend talking about all of the places in Montana they'd like to visit. We got to talking, and we got on the subject of horses. Meeting another crazy horse girl is kind of a bonding moment, and a little sisterhood begins to form.
We had to postpone our original shoot date, because I was a bridezilla mess trying to tie up loose ends with my wedding, and then the weather wouldn't cooperate. Cassidy was so patient and last week, we were finally able to get together! I don't think we could have asked for better weather, or scenery!
One thing I really admire about Cassidy, is her ability to go from jeans and a ball cap, to a long, flowing (sleeveless) dress (in January), and then back to jeans and a flannel. She is versatile, in the sense that she can have dirt under her nails, yet show her feminine side at the same time. I think those kinds of characteristics are really important for women to embody. Not necessarily in the literal sense, but to understand that, we can be both.
We can have grace and grit running through our veins, and that is the recipe for a powerful woman.
Cassidy, thank you for spending the evening with me, and for letting me get to know you and your gentleman of a horse! XO